Electro Chlorinator 300 GPH Batch Type for drinking water

July 6, 2022 at 2:58 PMadmin

Water chlorination through the process of electro chlorination involves producing Sodium Hypochlorite, commonly known as bleach, by introducing an electrical current into water containing salt.


The bleach that is produced during electro chlorination can be diluted and used to disinfect water, making it safe to drink.

Chlorination of water supplies kills all the pathogens that lead to water borne diseases like cholera, typhoid, paratyphoid etc. It also improves the taste and odor of drinking water

Cities commonly use water chlorination in municipal water treatment facilities. It is possible for small villages to use the same process, on a smaller scale, to produce small quantities of sodium hypochlorite on an "as needed" basis and use it to disinfect their drinking water.

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