Ti Anode Fabricators Pvt. Ltd.

Electrolyzer for Seawater Electrochlorinator

Capacity: Single electrolyzer, having the production capacity of available Cl2 per hour is
Minimum size: 500 grams
Maximum size: 250 kilograms
Concentration: 500 ppm to 2500 ppm of Cl2
Design: PPE, CTE, PP&ME
Polarity: Normal
Substrate: Titanium sheet / plate as per ASTM B 265 Gr.1
Titanium tube / pipe as per ASTM B 338/337 Gr.1
Titanium expanded mesh as per ASTM B 265 Gr.1
Titanium rods as per ASTM B 348 Gr.1
Catalyst: Platinum group precious metal mixed oxides
Application: Disinfection

Replacement / Refurbishment capacity of Tiaano

We expertise for the replacement or refurbishment of electrolyzers & other spares for electrochlorinators, where the project executed by the following World Leaders, namely …

M/s. Seven Trent De Nora, USA [Chlortec, Seachlor, Sanilec, Omni pure, Balpure]
M/s. Siemens, USA [US Filters, Chloropac, Sanichlor, OSEC, Seapac, Electrocatalytic].
M/s. Daiki, Japan.
M/s. Mitsubishi, Japan.
M/s. Cumberland, UK.
M/s. Pepcon, USA.
M/s. Sespi, Italy.
M/s. Nippon, Japan.
M/s. Electrichlor, USA.
M/s. Charles Thompson Limited, UK.
M/s. Sal-Chlor, Australia.
& many more unlisted companies too.

Power Plant Electrolyzer

Power Plant Electrode assembly

Desalination Electrode assembly

OffSource platform chlorination

Power Plant chlorination

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